Here is the thesis that I wrote (in French) about Immersion and User Experience during my Master's degree. The purpose of this thesis is to establish the influence of immersive processes on user experience in a global way, and not only in the digital world, through a designer perspective.
The first part of this thesis is focused on the definition of immersion to create a model based on the kinds and levels of immersion in order to theorize immersive processes. Then, user experience is analized to identify UX components with the aim of discovering the six criteria of UX assessment.
Since user experience is based on the interaction between a user and an interface, the study also determined three types of interface. In a third time, immersive processes and UX criteria are crossed in the three-level of emotional design model first introduced by Don Norman. This model is thus applied on a service (the Apple iPhone) to assess it and to see concretely the influence of immersive processes on UX.
This influence analysis then injected into the UX of the Virtual Reality medium. It turns out that VR provides new ways of perceiving and interacting. The emotional design model in then used to notice the massive influence of immersive processes on VR user experience through the analysis of three VR services (Job Simulator, Janus VR and Haptx).
Last but not least, challenges and gaps of VR are identified to think on how immersive processes could improve the user experience in the future.
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