Virtual Reality


March 25, 2017


Charles Perinet
Gwénolé Coulomb Pelfresne
Camille Peter


We had to make an VR experience to showcase our school for the Laval Virtual 2017, a world-renowned VR event in France. We did an underwater abstract experience with hand interaction and sound using an Oculus DK2 and a Leap Motion.


A Concept Art.

We wanted to make an experience for people who never experienced VR before. This is why we had to use good visuals, interactions and a sound atmosphere. The scenery had to be abstract to let people discover the VR world and being curious to interact with their environment.

Another Concept Art.

We chose an octahedron as a the object you can interact with. It seems like a precious creature into water, curious enough to try to touch it. There is a sphere on each vertex. When you pinch it and pull it you will see that the sound is being different. The purpose of Blob is to make people interact with a VR world.

Blob experience in video.

People were really happy to experience it, even people who are accustomed to VR. It was a great experience and a challenge to build a Unity prototype that is connected to a MIDI controller (Ableton).